Gender Studies Study Program
September 24, 2023 2023-11-20 3:39Gender Studies Study Program
The presence of the study program cannot be separated from the many special problems that women still face, such as gender-based violence, high maternal mortality rates, detrimental cultural practices, and women's political participation which is still low.
In its development, the study also revealed various issues faced by vulnerable groups such as poor groups, minority groups, disabled groups, indigenous peoples, due to unequal social construction and gender construction, which is reflected in daily life practices and social structures and policies. The study also discusses the implications of gender role construction for men, as well as how to involve men in fighting for gender equality and justice.
The study program's vision is to become a leading reference institution at the national and international level for the conceptual development of gender studies in Indonesia, in order to fight for the creation of a gender-just society. This is done by fulfilling the need for professional workers who have critical analysis – synthesis skills in developing research and/or programs, with an interdisciplinary approach with a global perspective. The presence of study programs is important to support overcoming various social problems through developing the values and practices of living with gender equality and justice.
With the above background, the targeted competency profile of graduates is the ability to develop knowledge of gender studies and overcome social problems based on the values and practices of living with gender justice through research and/or programs, with an inter/multidisciplinary approach with a global perspective.
The study program provides courses including Gender Sensitivity and Introduction to Gender Studies, Feminist Theories in the Social Sciences, Research Methodology for Gender Studies, Religion and Spirituality from a Gender Fair Perspective, Gender, Politics and Access to Justice, as well as Field Assignments or Internships in the selected organization/institution.
The study program currently does not provide special specialization packages, but students can still develop special studies for areas of competence or specialization through Field Assignments, as well as developing proposals and research according to their areas of interest. The study program has lecturers and experts in different specialties, for example related to issues of the body and sexuality, gender and politics, reproductive health, legal psychology, environmental anthropology and so on.
Students who are outstanding, can manage their time well, and have a clear picture of the final assignment topic will be able to complete their studies within 3 semesters.
Graduate Profile
Able to develop research, programs and policies using a gender equality and justice perspective and using a multidisciplinary approach.
Tuition Fee
In accordance with the UI Chancellor's decision for the current semester.
College Time
Monday - Friday, 09.00 – 16.00 wib
Gedung Rektorat Lt. 4 Kampus UI Salemba,
Jl. Salemba Raya No. 4, Jakarta Pusat
Telp. (021) 392 9717, 392 4710
Faks. (021) 3192 2269
Jl. Salemba Raya No. 4, Jakarta Pusat
Telp. (021) 392 9717, 392 4710
Faks. (021) 3192 2269
Contact Person
Phone number
392 9717, 392 4710
If you have any questions or concerns during the application process, contact us