
About Us

We Are One of the Largest and Most Diverse Universities in Indonesia

The School of Strategic and Global Studies (SKSG) of the University of Indonesia is the manager and organizer of multi-, inter- and trans-disciplinary educational programs at the master's and doctoral levels in scientific groups, in this case the field of strategic and global science.​
The School of Strategic and Global Studies (SKSG) of the University of Indonesia is the manager and organizer of multi-, inter- and trans-disciplinary educational programs at the master's and doctoral levels in scientific groups, in this case the fields of strategic and global science.​


To become a global Postgraduate School with multidisciplinary knowledge that is strategic, consistent, sustainable, scientifically contributing both nationally and internationally.




The Strategic Targets of the University of Indonesia are arranged based on Vision, Mission and Strategic Themes using the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) framework. The Strategic Targets of the University of Indonesia are cascaded to Faculty/School/Program work units.