Middle Eastern and Islamic Regional Studies

Middle Eastern and Islamic Regional Studies


The Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies Study Program at the University of Indonesia (PS-KWTTI UI) is a study program providing education & teaching about the Middle East and Islamic Studies at Master's level. This study program is structurally administratively under the Postgraduate Program at the University of Indonesia (PPs UI). PS-KWTTI UI was opened based on a permission letter from the Director General of Higher Education, Department of National Education, Number: 2801/D/T/2001 dated 30 August 2001. The opening of this study program was inaugurated by the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr. Hamzah Haz at the University of Indonesia Convention Hall on July 31 2002.

Graduate Profile

Tuition Fee

In accordance with the UI Chancellor's decision for the current semester.

College Time

Regular Class: : Monday – Friday, 16.00 – 21.30 WIB

Special Class: Friday, 16.00 – 21.00 WIB / Saturday, 07.30 – 21.30 WIB


Gedung IASTH UI Lt. 4 Kampus UI Salemba,
Jl. Salemba Raya No. 4, Jakarta Pusat
Telp. (021) 392 9717, 392 4710
Faks. (021) 3192 2269
Hp. 0878 8646 4213
Email: sekretariatpsttiui@yahoo.com

Contact Person


Phone number (021) 392 9717, 392 4710
If you have any questions or concerns during the application process, contact us