Affordable and Clean Energy

Affordable and Clean Energy

Affordable and Clean Energy
Salah satu nilai yang dipegang teguh SKSG UI adalah kesetaraan. Diskriminasi terhadap gender, suku, agama, ras, dan antargolongan (SARA) tidak sejalan dengan prinsip hidup masyarakat Indonesia yaitu Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (Bhinneka Tunggal Ika). Tidak ada perbedaan perlakuan antara perempuan dan laki-laki di SKSG UI. Faktanya, jumlah mahasiswa dan dosen perempuan di SKSG UI lebih banyak dibandingkan laki-laki.
7.2 University measures towards affordable and clean energy

7.2.1 Energy-efficient renovation and building

Energy-efficient renovation and building Have a policy in place for ensuring all renovations or new builds are following energy efficiency standards. [Click here]

7.2.2 Upgrade buildings to higher energy efficiency

Upgrade buildings to higher energy efficiency Have plans to upgrade existing buildings to higher energy efficiency. [Click here]


7.2.3 Carbon reduction and emission reduction process

Carbon reduction and emission reduction process Have a process for carbon management and reducing carbon dioxide emissions. [Click here]

7.2.4 Plan to reduce energy consumption

Plan to reduce energy consumption Have an energy efficiency plan in place to reduce overall energy consumption. [Click here]

7.4 Energy and the community

7.4.1 Local community outreach for energy efficiency

Local community outreach for energy efficiency Provide programmes for local community to learn about importance of energy efficiency and clean energy. [Click here]

7.4.2 100% renewable energy pledge

100% renewable energy pledge Promote a public pledge toward 100% renewable energy beyond the university. [Click here]

7.4.4 Policy development for clean energy technology

Policy development for clean energy technology Inform and support governments in clean energy and energy-efficient technology policy development. [Click here]