Good health and well-being

Good health and well-being

Good health and well-being
Kegiatan pendidikan, penelitian, dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat tidak akan berjalan lancar tanpa dukungan kesehatan jasmani dan rohani. SKSG UI berupaya menyediakan fasilitas dan program untuk membangun kesejahteraan mental dan kesehatan jasmani mahasiswa, dosen, dan staf dalam bentuk penyelenggaraan konseling kesehatan mental dan penyediaan fasilitas olahraga (bulu tangkis, futsal, tenis meja, bola basket, bola voli, yoga, dll.). Kami melatih beberapa dosen yang mumpuni untuk mampu memberikan konseling kesehatan mental kepada mahasiswa. Kami juga menyediakan tenaga profesional olahraga untuk melatih mahasiswa, dosen, dan staf.
3.3 Collaborations and health services

3.3.1 Current collaborations with health institutions

Current collaborations with health institutions Have current collaborations with local, national, or global health institutions to improve health and well-being outcomes. [Click here]

3.3.2 Health outreach programmes

Health outreach programmes Deliver outreach programmes and projects in the local community (which can include student volunteering programmes) to improve or promote health and well-being including hygiene, nutrition, family planning, sports, exercise, aging well, and other health and well-being related topics. [Click here]

3.3.3 Shared sports facilities

Shared sports facilities Share sports facilities with the local community, for instance with local schools or with the general public. [Click here]


3.3.5 Mental health support

Mental health support Provide students and staff with access to mental health support. [Click here]

3.3.6 Smoke-free policy

Smoke-free policy Have a ‘smoke-free’ policy. [Click here]