Life Below Water

Life Below Water

Life Below Water
Menjaga sumber daya alam khususnya yang tersedia di lingkungan SKSG UI akan menunjang proses belajar mengajar. Udara segar di lingkungan hijau bersih, air bersih, serta sanitasi dan higienitas yang baik merupakan bagian utama ekosistem yang menjaga kesehatan setiap orang di SKSG UI. Oleh karena itu, SKSG UI melakukan upaya-upaya antara lain mengedukasi civitas akademika untuk berhemat air dan listrik, membangun sarana dan prasarana hemat energi berbasis tata surya, menjaga kebersihan dan gizi makanan yang disediakan di kantin, dan lain-lain.
14.2 Supporting aquatic ecosystems through education

14.2.1 Fresh-water ecosystems (community outreach)

Fresh-water ecosystems (community outreach) Offer educational programmes on fresh-water ecosystems (water irrigation practices, water management/conservation) for local or national communities. [Click here]

14.2.2 Sustainable fisheries (community outreach)

Sustainable fisheries (community outreach) Offer educational programme or outreach for local or national communities on sustainable management of fisheries, aquaculture and tourism. [Click here]

14.4 Water sensitive waste disposal

14.4.1 Water discharge guidelines and standards

Water discharge guidelines and standards Have water quality standards and guidelines for water discharges (to uphold water quality in order to protect ecosystems, wildlife, and human health and welfare). [Click here]

14.4.2 Action plan to reducing plastic waste

Action plan to reducing plastic waste Have an action plan in place to reduce plastic waste on campus. [Click here]

14.5 Maintaining a local ecosystem

14.5.3 Programs towards good aquatic stewardship practices

Programs towards good aquatic stewardship practices Develop and support programmes and incentives that encourage and maintain good aquatic stewardship practices. [Click here]