Partnerships for The Goals
October 27, 2023 2024-12-20 10:40Partnerships for The Goals

17.2 Relationships to support the goals
17.2.1 Relationships with regional NGOs and government for SDG policy
Relationships with regional NGOs and government for SDG policy Have direct involvement in, or input into, national government or regional non-government organisations, SDG policy development – including identifying problems and challenges, developing policies and strategies, modelling likely futures with and without interventions, monitoring and reporting on interventions, and enabling adaptive management. [Click here]
17.2.2 Cross sectoral dialogue about SDGs
Cross sectoral dialogue about SDGs Initiate and participate in cross-sectoral dialogue about the SDGs, e.g. conferences involving government or NGOs. [Click here]
17.3 Publication of SDG reports
17.3.1 Publication of SDG reports - per SDG
Publication of SDG reports – per SDG Publish progress against against SDG1, either individually or within an annual report. [Click here]
17.3.2 Publication of SDG reports - per SDG
Publication of SDG reports – per SDG Publish progress against against SDG2, either individually or within an annual report. [Click here]
17.3.3 Publication of SDG reports - per SDG
Publication of SDG reports – per SDG Publish progress against against SDG3, either individually or within an annual report. [Click here]
17.3.6 Publication of SDG reports - per SDG
Publication of SDG reports – per SDG Publish progress against against SDG6, either individually or within an annual report. [Click here]
17.3.7 Publication of SDG reports - per SDG
Publication of SDG reports – per SDG Publish progress against against SDG7, either individually or within an annual report. [Click here]
17.3.8 Publication of SDG reports - per SDG
Publication of SDG reports – per SDG Publish progress against against SDG8, either individually or within an annual report. [Click here]
17.3.9 Publication of SDG reports - per SDG
Publication of SDG reports – per SDG Publish progress against against SDG9, either individually or within an annual report. [Click here]
17.3.10 Publication of SDG reports - per SDG
Publication of SDG reports – per SDG Publish progress against against SDG10, either individually or within an annual report. [Click here]
17.3.11 Publication of SDG reports - per SDG
Publication of SDG reports – per SDG Publish progress against against SDG11, either individually or within an annual report. [Click here]
17.3.13 Publication of SDG reports - per SDG
Publication of SDG reports – per SDG Publish progress against against SDG13, either individually or within an annual report. [Click here]
17.3.14 Publication of SDG reports - per SDG
Publication of SDG reports – per SDG Publish progress against against SDG14, either individually or within an annual report. [Click here]
17.3.15 Publication of SDG reports - per SDG
Publication of SDG reports – per SDG Publish progress against against SDG15, either individually or within an annual report. [Click here]
17.3.16 Publication of SDG reports - per SDG
Publication of SDG reports – per SDG Publish progress against against SDG16, either individually or within an annual report. [Click here]
17.4 Education for SDGs commitment to meaningful education and specific courses on sustainability
17.4.1 Education for SDGs in the wider community
Education for SDGs in the wider community Have dedicated outreach educational activities for the wider community, which could include alumni, local residents, displaced people. [Click here]