Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
October 27, 2023 2024-12-20 10:40Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

16.2 University governance measures
16.2.2 Students' union
Students’ union Recognise an independent students’ union. [Click here] [Click here] [Click here]
16.2.3 Identify and engage with local stakeholders
Identify and engage with local stakeholders Have written policies and procedures to identify local stakeholders external to the university and engage with them. [Click here]
16.2.4 Participatory bodies for stakeholder engagement
Participatory bodies for stakeholder engagement Have an existence of participatory bodies to recognize and engage local stakeholders, including local residents, local government, local private, local civil society representatives. [Click here]
16.2.5 University principles on corruption and bribery
University principles on corruption and bribery Publish the university’s principles and commitments on organized crime, corruption & bribery. [Click here]
16.2.6 Academic freedom policy
Academic freedom policy Have a policy on supporting academic freedom (freedom to choose areas of research and to speak and teach publicly about the area of their research). Academic freedom is at the heart of the Academy. Here we are looking to ensure that academic freedom covers both teaching and research, and that it applies equally to junior as well as senior (for example Tenured) academics. [Click here]
16.3 Working with government
16.3.2 Policy- and lawmakers outreach and education
Policy- and lawmakers outreach and education Provide outreach, general education, upskilling and capacity-building to policy and lawmakers on relevant topics including economics, law, technology, migration and displacement, and climate change. [Click here]
16.3.3 Participation in government research
Participation in government research Undertake policy-focused research in collaboration with government departments. [Click here]
16.3.4 Neutral platform to discuss issues
Neutral platform to discuss issues Provide a neutral platform and ‘safe’ space for different political stakeholders to come together to frankly discuss challenges. [Click here]