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International Conference on Sustainable Design, Engineering, Management and Sciences 2019


International Conference on Sustainable Design, Engineering, Management and Sciences 2019

The Faculty of Built Environment, Linton University College (FOBE-LUC), Malaysia in collaboration with the School of Strategic and Global Studies Universitas Indonesia (SKSG UI) is organizing an INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABLE DESIGN, ENGINEERING, MANAGEMENT AND SCIENCES (ICSDEMS-2019) on 16th and 17th October 2019.

We are pleased to invite you to attend our prestigious conference with our big theme “Towards a Sustainable Environment: Exploring the Solutions for the Future”. The conference will be held in Swiss Garden Hotel Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The detail of the conference is as at ICSDEMS 2019 aims to provide a platform to researchers, engineers, designers, planners, and project manager as well as industrial professionals from all over the globe to present, share and exchange their research results and developmental activities about all parts of green built environment.

All accepted papers of ICSDEMS 2019 will be published in the Scopus indexed journals/proceedings below:
1- Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering (ISSN: 2366-2557) – Scopus (Publisher: Springer)
2- IOP Conference series: Materials Science and Engineering (ISSN: 1757-899X) – SCOPUS

We hope that ICSDEMS 2019 is a professionally fruitful and personally enjoyable experience for all who attend. Please disseminate this announcement to any colleagues, who may be interested in participating at our conference. Looking forward to hearing back from you and welcoming you in ICSDEMS 2019.

More info, please visit